Kid's Power Hour 

& Pre-School Programs

Every Sunday at 10 a.m. 

We welcome every child.

Need a ride to Sunday School? 

We have a dedicated NLPC Bus ready to come and bring you to church! 

Call 541-479-3074.


A message to the Parents from Larry Grigsby, New Life Sunday School Department Director

Brother & Sister Grigsby with their grandaughters

"We focus on the attributes of God and what’s required of us as we grow in God. 

By learning principles of  prayer, giving and  worship, the kids learn to behave as proper children and by extension later in life, they are grounded, stable and confident citizens of our community. The children build a strong foundation by learning morals through biblical principles that will help them throughout their whole life."

"Our goal is to try to teach the kids about a God that is just, true and loving. This world has twisted reality around and pushes kids to engage in inappropriate things, things God never intended them to ever learn about or even know about. 

We reach the kids with God's understanding. Because the world is a mess and becoming more and more unsafe everyday, we foster a safe and happy place they will look forward to coming to every Sunday. "

We aim to get back with you in less than 24 hours.